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  • Writer's picturenatashacoffey

A small extract of a story that will never be finished!

There I was.That door, those windows, that cabin.

It all held such deep, dark, disturbing secrets.

Yet here I was again, thanks to this note, invitation.

Who sent this and why? Who else got this letter too?

I remember the day clearly, it was December 4th my dad’s birthday. I had a letter come through the post. Honestly I was excited yet confused, no one sends letter anymore at least not handwritten ones, hell even my doctors email me everything. So obviously I opened it straight away, the writing was neatly written but had what looked like dribble marks and red paint on it. Thinking not so much of it I read it. To my surprise it brought back blinding memorises I hoped were long forgotten.

Hello, Evangeline ,

I am writing to you as you have been selected with a few others to spend the three nights from Dec 5th- Dec 8th at Rose lake river side. We are doing a group project and team building exercise and we believe it will help furthermore with you’re job in the future.

May we see you there

S :)

I stumble, wait did that just say Rose Lake River Side. No, this has to be a cruel jokeNo-one, but no- one knows what happened there. Wait who else has this letter. I didn't even think about it I made my decision there and then, which was by far the worse choice I've ever made, I decided to go to that cabin and find out what the hell was going on, truly I guess I was hoping for closure but I guess that was never going to happen. No something truly devastating happened and to know that none of us will ever think the same way again.

I remember the drive there. It was daunting no taunting is the word, driving through these old woods just remembering what happened that weekend. Too much pain, too much sorrow. I should probably explain a little about what happened so the rest of my story makes sense.

December 5th 2011 it was, me and a group of mates, like every year, decided to go up to the cabin, that Sam’s (my best friend- also huge ass crush) dad and mom owned it, it’s where they usually spend their summer holiday. Anyway, like every year we spend three nights together having a laugh, getting drunk, swimming in the lake. Only that year that didn't happen. That night I saw my best friend’s dead body laying in the cold icy snow, Sam, he just lay there, motionless, so cold, so empty. He'd been what looked like mauled to death but in this season there are no bears and there was no sign of animal footprints. There was something or someone else there with us that weekend I could feel it. Even when we all sat together over the log fire I could feel burning eyes biting deep into my soul. You can see why I had to go back and I had to follow this letter. I just hoped that the others got it too.

I stood there for about ten minutes. Looking, staring at the cabin. I knew that all our stuff would be there from before.. Sam’s parents wouldn't go in there and we never did, unsurprisingly no one brought the cabin from them. I couldn't breath. Not just because of the icy air but because the person I truly loved has all he's belongings, all our memorises, are still hidden and locked in this cabin.

I snapped back to reality when I heard talking coming from inside the cabin. The voices sounded familiar. I cracked open the door and saw the three people I wanted to see the most.” What are you guys doing here?” I felt the tears threatening my eyes, they embraced me into a huge hug.

Zara looked down at me and pulled out a white piece of paper that looked like, no in fact was identical to the letter I received. She got us all around the table. All of them reached into their pockets and pulled out the same piece of paper, so I did the same.

“We all have the exact same letter, identical in every way except the back, we all have a different word on the back and now Eve is here we can see the message”

We all turned out letter out and clearly the message said

‘Find the truth please’

The truth to what?, We are not gonna find the truth about Sam.

“ we all know Sam was murdered so clearly someone wants us to know”

Just a Chris said that the door swung open and there he was in the door way like an angle there HE WAS! Looking the same as he always had, except the look in he's eye, he looked angry and almost dead. This is not the Sam I know…

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